A Comprehensive Guide to Differentiating Yams and Sweet Potatoes, Visual, Benefits, Taste and Texture

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between sweet potatoes and yams? While both of these root vegetables share a similar shape, each has unique features that set them apart. In this guide, we'll explore the key differences between sweet potatoes and yams, as well as tips to help you select the best of each.

How Sweet Potatoes and Yams Are Related.

Sweet potatoes and yams are similar in many ways, both being root vegetables that look almost identical. In fact, sweet potatoes are often mistakenly labeled as “yams” in grocery stores, making the two even more confusing! But while they may seem interchangeable, there is a clear difference between sweet potatoes and yams: they are not related species. Sweet potatoes actually belong to the morning glory family, while traditional yams come from a different plant species.

The Visual Differences Between Sweet Potatoes and Yams.

The most obvious differences between sweet potatoes and yams are their colors. Sweet potatoes can range in color from pale cream to deep orange, while yams tend to have dark brown or black bark-like skin. When cut open, sweet potatoes have a bright orange, yellow or purple flesh, while yams are often white, pink or purple. There are also some variations in shape - sweet potatoes are longer and smoother than yams which typically have a ‘knobbly’ appearance.

Taste and Texture Preferences.

Sweet potatoes tend to have sweet and creamy flesh, while yams are starchy and dry. As such, some people prefer the taste of sweet potatoes while others love the chewiness of a boiled yam. When cooked, sweet potatoes tend to retain their shape whereas yams can become soft and ‘mushy’. This makes them easier to mash or turn into a purée but it also means that they may not hold their shape when sliced for salads or dinner plates.

Where To Buy Sweet Potatoes and Yams.

If you’re in the market for sweet potatoes and yams, your best bet is to search for them at specialized farmers' markets, health food stores, and ethnic grocers. You may also find them at some “regular” grocery stores, depending on the season and region. When selecting either type of root vegetable, look for ones that are firm with minimal evidence of cracking or discoloring. Depending on how you plan to use them, select small-medum sized ones for boiling or roasting and larger sizes for baking.

Benefits of Eating Sweet Potatoes and Yams Regularly.

Eating sweet potatoes and yams regularly provides a number of health benefits. Both are good sources of energy, containing essential vitamins and minerals such as potassium and beta-carotene, which are beneficial for eye health. They also contain fiber, which helps support digestion and heart health, as well as antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Regular consumption of either one may also provide protection against some conditions linked to inflammation, such as arthritis and cancer.

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