How to Identify the Difference Between a Bison and a Buffalo? Appearance, Diet, Habitat, Size and Lifespan

"Bison and buffalo may look similar, but there are some key differences between them. They vary in size, diet, habitat and tendencies. Knowing how to differentiate between the two can help you when exploring the wilderness or watching wild animals from afar"

Appearance: Bison have a deep brown fur and a large black hump, while buffaloes are lighter in color and have no hump.

Bison are larger than buffaloes, measuring 6-9 feet tall and weighing up to 2,000 pounds. They have a deep brown fur and distinct thick fur on their neck and chest as well as a large black hump in the center of their back. In comparison, buffaloes are light tan or grey in color with no discernible hump. Adult buffaloes can weigh up to 1,500 pounds and reach 6-7 ft tall at full maturity.

Diet: Bison are grazers and eat grasses, whereas buffaloes will eat more dense vegetation such as shrubs. 

Bison primarily feed on a diet of grasses, herbs, and wildflowers. They can consume up to 90 pounds of food per day but will occasionally supplement their diet with berries, nuts, and twigs.On the other hand, buffaloes prefer dense vegetation such as shrubs and trees to graze on and also enjoy eating grains like corn and rice. Buffaloes tend to eat more quickly than bison, usually consuming up to 20-30 pounds of food per day.

Habitat: Bison can be found on both open plains as well as wooded areas, whereas Buffalos can only be found living in Africa and Asia.

Bison can often be found living in North American grasslands, open plains, mountain meadows, and even some wooded areas. On the other hand, buffaloes can only be found living in Africa and Asia.Buffaloes are typically found in wooded savannas and rainforests, as well as disturbed habitats like cultivated fields and dams. They have even been known to graze on river islands or floats.

Size: The bison is much larger than the buffalo, with an adult bison weighing up to 2,200 lbs (1 ton), while the average adult buffalo weighs between 600-900 lbs

Additionally, the bison is noticeably tall and has a large shoulder hump as well. Buffalo, on the other hand, have smaller heads and their horns bend inwards rather than outwards. The largest species of bison, the wood bison, can get even larger than what has been previously described - adults of this species can weigh up to 2,800 lbs!

Lifespan: The average lifespan for a bison is 10-12 years in the wild; for buffaloes it is 20-25 years

Bison generally live shorter lives than buffaloes due to their higher levels of activity; bisons may travel further and investigate more frequently than buffalo, leading to an increased risk of predation. Buffalo are able to stay safe in parts of Africa because they tend to form herds and have very thick hides. They also rely on older giraffes or elephants as a warning sign of danger.

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