Natural resources refer to resources found in nature that can be used by people. This includes materials like land, plants, minerals, water, sunlight and animals. These natural resources are essential for sustaining life on earth and are limited in supply.
Renewable Natural Resources - Sunlight, water, wind, geothermal energy, biomass.
Renewable natural resources are those that can be replenished over time. Examples include sunlight, water, wind, geothermal energy and biomass. Sunlight is a key component of photosynthesis and provides energy for plants to grow and oxygen to fill the atmosphere. Water is essential for life on Earth, supporting all living things and providing drinking water for humans. Wind can be harnessed to produce clean, renewable electricity with wind turbines. Geothermal energy is heat produced by the earth that can be used to generate electricity or heat homes and buildings. Biomass is biological material derived from living or recently living organisms like wood, crops or waste materials which can also be used to generate renewable energy.
Non-Renewable Natural Resources - Fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas), mineral ores (copper and aluminum).
Non-Renewable natural resources are those that can not be quickly replenished. Examples include oil, coal, natural gas, and mineral ores such as copper and aluminum. Fossil fuels like oil and coal form from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Mineral ores occur in certain geological formations and must be mined for extraction. Many non-renewable resources take longer to form than humans have existed on earth, so they are considered finite resources that will eventually run out as we use them up faster than they can be replaced.
Biological Resources - Plants, animals, microorganisms.
Biological resources are those that can be derived from plants, animals, and microorganisms. Examples of biological resources include food such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts; wood for building; soil and water for growing crops; and medicinal plants used in traditional medicines. Animals provide us with a variety of useful materials including fur and leather for clothing, wool for insulation, feathers for bedding, and muscle power to help humans with labor-intensive tasks. Finally, certain species of microorganisms are important sources of enzymes used in the production processes of food, beverages and pharmaceuticals.
Soil Resources - Topsoil and clay used in agriculture and construction.
Soil resources are among the most important natural resources, essential for agriculture and construction. Topsoil is the layer of soil near the surface which is more nutrient-rich and contains organic matter, beneficial microorganisms, and higher concentrations of minerals. Clay is a type of soil which has high plasticity and reacts strongly with water to form a paste when dry, making it useful for pottery and brickmaking. Both topsoil and clay are essential components in the growing of crops or other vegetation.
Atmospheric Resources - Water vapor in the atmosphere can be used to generate electricity using wind turbines or solar panels.
Atmospheric resources refer to the resources found in the atmosphere, like wind and clouds. Water vapor can be harnessed by turbines to generate electricity through wind-powered generators or solar thermal systems. Wind is also a great source of energy for things like sailing boats, windsurfing, and even powering aircrafts! Clouds are often associated with rain-bearing storms, but they’re made up of tiny water droplets and ice crystals that can help cool down the earth.
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